Hey everyone!!! This is just a blog to update you on how I am doing and how everything is going!
The race has been such an amazing experience and I’ve loved growing close with the Lord and people around me. The Lord has moved so much in my life and has continued to show me how much He loves me. The biggest things He has walked me through have been how much He truly loves me and how my identity is fully in Him and not the world. These things haven’t been easy to walk through but it’s definitely been helpful to have an amazing community surrounding me through these times. He has broken down lies and beliefs that I have been walking in my whole life and rebuilt everything upon His truth. All to say, I’ve finally realized that my identity can only be in Him and to not let the world contradict that, but also that He loves me beyond understanding. It’s been such a blessing to be able to walk through these things with the leaders and my team surrounding me and pouring into me.
As many of you might know, I’m fully funded!!! wow let’s take a moment to praise the Lord for His timing and provision!!! WOOOOH YAY GOD. Now back to it, all those funds went directly to all ministry costs such as housing, food, transportation, etc and I don’t have any control over those funds. But some things that come out of my own pocket are things like toiletries, transportation and food on off days, any fun adventures I wish to do(which is usually all of them), and even recently, getting to go to temples and such for ministry. Most things overseas aren’t too expressive but things do tend to add up. It would be such a blessing if you would consider supporting me with these expenses while I am still on the field. My venmo will be at the bottom!!
Another great way to support me is through prayer!! While being on the race the Lord has showed me the importance of prayer, especially when we are in countries where the enemy is clearly present. So here is a list of prayer requests for me, my team, my squad, and the ministry!
- That the Lord release me of pain deep in my heart and that I can walk in the freedom He has given me
- That our team walk in the fruit of the spirit and walk in unity with one another
- That our squad can continue to find strength and endurance from the Lord through this last stretch of time on the field
- The health of one of our leaders fathers
- That the ministry would flourish under God’s will and glory
- That the Lord will empower and provide boldness to the ministry and the ministry workers
With all this being said, I am very very thankful for all of your support through this whole process of preparing for the field and now being on the field. I thank you all so much for everything you’ve done and how you’ve walked with me through all of this. I can’t wait to continue to show you how the Lord is moving in my life and those around me. I love you all and would greatly appreciate the continued support!!!!
Also please subscribe to my blog if you haven’t yet to stay updated on me and what’s going on!! I love you all.
Venmo: maisey_caruso
Super proud M. Super proud. Love Pops