
Read about me and my journey across the globe.

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Wow it’s already been a month in India and what a ride it has been. We’ve done so many things in just 5 weeks.

The first couples days we had spent resting and getting over the jet lag from traveling for 54 hours. It definitely took us a few days to getting moving again. Once we did, we were able to go into a really big street market and masque to prayer walk and explore the local area. It was really cool to experience the culture and learn more about India.

As time went on, we attended church services and local gatherings for prayer and fellowship. Throughout that time, we learned more about the christian church in India and how differently they do things.

Then the holidays rolled around. We spent time at our host house on Christmas Eve to bake cookies and watch movies with their four kids. It was the closest I’ve felt at home since being on the race. On Christmas day we had church and then spent time as a team doing our secret santa. But I’m not going to lie, I was really homesick around and during Christmas. All I wanted to do was be with my family and friends, but I had to remember that the Lord has me here for a reason.

We had the amazing opportunity to pray over an apartment building and each room of it before it’s official opening the next day. Then on opening day we had a ceremony where everyone and every pastor would go into each room and pray over it.

Then a few days later, all of my team including me, got food poisoning. So we spent the entirety of the next week in bed and not doing anything. But this also showed me how much I need to rely on the Lord in that time.

A few days after being sick, we helped our host clean his house and taught in a two different school settings. The kids in India hold so much joy and laughter. We had an amazing time with them and helping them learn more about the US.

Our biggest ministry was going to a village 14+ hours away. It was in south India and we were able to stay with a pastor and his family. His wife lead the ministry there which means she goes to villages up to 5 hours away and in another state and language to preach the gospel and plant churches. It was crazy how we would drive 2 hours on a bus and walk another hour to get to a village in the hills, filled with maybe 30 or less people. Doing this ministry for a few days gave me a different perspective on “every tribe and tongue will hear the word of God.” Even in the same state, there are villages with completely different languages, cultures, and beliefs. God really wants us to go out and make sure every single person on this earth that He created hears His word.

The last week we had a children’s conference in another village up north, so it was basically like a VBS. The kids there have a special place in my heart. They all have such an eagerness to learn more about Jesus and what is look like to follow Him. I really enjoyed serving them and teaching them.

Prior to leaving india, we got the amazing opportunity to go to the Taj Mahal and stay with one of our boys teams. Being able to see that and spend time with our guys team was really refreshing. We also spent some time at a mall and ate some really good food.

One of the biggest things the Lord convicted me of was how I spent my time at the beginning of India. Our ministry started off really slow for the first couple weeks due to the holidays and our host being with family. Then by week three we were all sick so that meant no ministry. Throughout that time I had spent time with the Lord but it wasn’t a lot. I spent most time sleeping, or on my phone, neither of those things filled me. So when we had gotten close to the end of our time in India, I realized I don’t spend a lot of intimate time with the Lord. I had spent it with the things of the world. I had come into India with the expectation that ministry was going to be like Nicaragua, were it was every day and all day, but that was not the case and it shocked me. I eventually fully realized how important it is to spend intimate time with the Lord before ministry. It’s is so key to understand how alone time and a relationship with the Lord can impact you and your ministry. you can’t truly do ministry well without your own fill from the Lord.

We just arrived in nepal and it’s already been such a change and such a blessing. I love this country and all the people here. I will try to keep y’all updated the best I can! Thank you for all of your support and love.

2 responses to “Across the World”

  1. Proud of you, Maisey! Love the last two sentences of the second to last paragraph. That’s a lesson that makes the India stop so worthwhile! Excited to have you on our staff this summer!

  2. We miss you all the time, but we really missed having you around for the holidays this year. It just wasn’t the same without you here, but so glad we got to FaceTime with you. You’re on a wonderful journey and just know that we are excited for you and that you will remember this time for the rest of your life. <3

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