
Read about me and my journey across the globe.

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Wow! Its only been a week in Nepal and the Lord has moved so so much. I’ve loved every second here and its just been filled with so much joy all around me. One of our first nights here we had time to pray over Nepal, specifically over ourselves, our team, and our ministry. As we prayed we wrote down any words or verses the Lord gave us over each sections. While praying over myself, the Lord revealed there are going to be healings and miracles during my time here in Nepal. At first I was hesitate to write it down but I did anyways and I am so glad I did.

One of our first church servives, our pastor here was preaching on the authority we have in the Lord. of course it was in their native language nepali, but I was able to understand bits and pieces as someone translated next to me. He was talking about how we have authoirty when we pray and we can stadn in that to see the Lord move. It was a great message and Im glad ! understood the majority of it.

The next day I woke up with a horrible tooth ache, to the point that it hurt to eat and talk. I felt this pain for two days and nothing really helped it. Then one night before bed I was reminded of the authority that we do have. So I prayed this prayer to the Lord, “Lord I am going to wake up in the morning and my tooth will be healed and this will be a testimoy of your grace and love.” And God being the loving God that He is, He healed me. Like isn’t that insane. He cares about even the littlest of things in life to show His own goodness and love for us. He hears our crys and prayers to Him and wants to fulfill our desires. I was so so shocked and so amazed at the Lord working in my life. But praise Him!

At this point in the race, it comes time to think about whats next. And this is somehting I have struggled with for a while. But during our time in India I spent time with the the Lord and praying that He leads me where He wants and He brought a lot of peace to the idea of going to school next year. So I started talking to the school and figuring out scholorships. Then this time in Nepal came aorund and it became harder to know what I am doing next year. At first I was thinking of doing another mission trip, then it was staying at home and working, then maybe school. I was battling the thoughts in my mind for a few days here in Nepal and was very unsure of what I wanted to do. So I surrender this to the Lord and He made it clear. One morning I woke up to a text from my mom saying that I got a lot of scholorship money and grants, to the school I want to go to, to the point where we are paying little to nothing for me to go there. This is the moment He made it clear. Then we went to church and the pastor spoke on “how to know you’re on the right path” and one of his main points was “if you’re overcoming big obstacles.” All the stuff with finacial aid and the cost of going to this school was something that made me worried and brought me a lot of stress. But the Lord overcame that obstacle while here in Nepal. Like this is such a miracle of his good works and love for me. He has made it clear to me to go to this college and I am so thankful for all that He has done.

But He was not done with His healings and miracles. We were hanging out after church the next morning and I had went to lay down for a second on the floor, LOL. Emma had asked me if she could stand on my back and I said yes because I knew it would crack it. So she stood on my back for a second then stood toward the top of my back and neck and lowkey jumped off so it cracked my back so so much and that hurt a lot. I was shocked how much it cracked and how much it hurt afterwards. As the day went on it continued to hurt. A little sidenote: I already have back issues but this just brought more pain than what I’m used to. Then we got back to our place and we were having team time. We did check ins with each other and I said my back was still hurting and it hurt to sit on the bed. So my entire team prayed over me and with the Lord’s grace and love upon me, He healed me again. Like wow. All the pain and stiffness in my back left. The pain from Emma and years of pain was just gone in a second. Like how cool is our God to heal us in a second. Like I am so amazed.

This is such a testimony of the Lords timing, love, grace, goodness, and word. Like He first had a time for everything to happen and for Him to show us how good He really is. Then He reveals what He is going to do in prayer then He shows you within His timing. He shows us how much He loves us and how much grace He has upon us. Like how good is our God. I’m still so amazed and baffled of how He works in His own time and plan, and how much He cares.

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